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when no internet and local repos, only update local repos

Before, if an update was triggered and there were local repos or mirrors (e.g. file:/// or content://), UpdateService would run the update for all configured repos. Each internet-only repo would then show the "out of mirrors" error, since each mirror would be tried and then fail. This changes UpdateService to only try to update local repos if there is no internet. The update has no error when local repo is configured, stopping the issue described in #2146 (closed).

But now, I have a UX question: on a CalyxOS device or any with local repos/mirrors configured, when someone pulls to refresh when the device is offline, it will run silently and not give the "no internet" toast. Would it be preferrable to show the "no internet" toast even when there are local repos? Or just update the local repos and skip the warning toast. @grote @cde

I think perhaps the ideal UX here would be to finish !724 (closed) #884 (closed) and !455 (closed) then no warning toast would be needed.

Edited by Hans-Christoph Steiner

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