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Fix inactive action buttons

Fixes action buttons (Open, Install) not being active in some situations. By a coincidence a similar bug has just been reported: fixes #1938 (closed).

Another reliably reproducible case (at least on Android 9 emulator):

  • Install not latest versions of any two apps.
  • Go to "Updates", press "Update all".
  • When both apps appear with "Update" buttons, press "Update" on the first on, confirm installation.
  • "Open" button is displayed next to the first app. The button is not working.
  • Open the first app details by pressing anywhere on the app info (not on the button).
  • Press "back" button to go back to the "Updates" screen.
  • Only one (the second one) app is present in the list. Its "Update" button isn't working.

I first considered a different approach (which also seems to work ok), but resetting the state in bindModel(...) seems to be enough.

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