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Add setting to force a minimum targetSdk

S1m requested to merge pigpig/fdroid-client:feat/minTargetSdk into master

This MR is based on !1212 (merged).

It adds a setting (under expert mode) to give users the ability to require a minimum targetSdk for apps. Users may want to set it the same than the Playstore requirement for instance.

The default minTargetSdk is set in the BuildConfig, so forks/flavors can easily set a different one. For instance, it is possible to set the Playstore requirement (sdk 31 atm) for the Basic flavor. At this moment, this minimum targetSdk is set to 0, so it is disabled by default.

Note that, if you install F-Droid on an device with sdk <= BuildCondif.minTargetSdk, then the default is set to (device SDK - 1)

Merge request reports