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Replace LiveSeekBarPreference with ListPreference

proletarius101 requested to merge proletarius101/fdroidclient:mdc-slider into master

What changed

The SeekBar preferences are replaced by List preferences.

Old New
image image


  • Seekbars are not correctly styled in the new Metarial Design themes, because they are legacy

  • It's does not adjust the color theme according to the application-wide theme. So this change could be a corner stone of future application theme changes.

  • According to the MDC spec, sliders (the precedents of the legacy seekbars), are supposed to

    Sliders allow users to view and select a value (or range) from the range along a bar. They’re ideal for adjusting settings such as volume and brightness, or for applying image filters.

    They are not supposed to present a multi-choice question.

Merge request reports