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verify our domains for the Google Search Console

Google gathers data on all websites that it sees, and makes analytics using that data. This is called the "Google Search Console". We can see what they have by "verifying" our site with them. This merge request will set it up for a Google account that I have, I'm happy to give others access there upon request.

It is important to note: this does not mean we are gathering any more data, or making more data available to Google. It just allows us to see the data that Google is already gathering on us. This is one annoying example, where they flag us as hosting malware, but then the "Sample URLs" say "N/A". I call bullshit on that.


This came up because @stevenmcdonald has some time to spend on SEO for I would like to give him access to the data in Google Search Console to help with that. He's someone I've known personally for decades. I think this verification option is the easiest to manage. Here are the verification options that we could consider: Screenshot_from_2022-03-02_12-34-21

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