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final step of the big website overhaul

Hans-Christoph Steiner requested to merge eighthave/fdroid-website:master into master

This is a big overhaul of the build process to make it behave more like a normal Jekyll project, and have it easy to build locally.

  • moves all of the translation logic into po4a and jekyll-polyglot rather than the local bash script
  • removes _userconfig.yml, just edit _config.yml directly as needed
  • cleans up the static assets/ handling by polyglot so that it doesn't fetch them from language subfolders. This should make improved asset caching a lot easier, e.g. by adding an ETag to the href="". Using something like should be easy now
  • Some document improvements, tweaks and bug fixes.

@webDev4 @Bubu @redplanet @uniqx

Edited by Hans-Christoph Steiner

Merge request reports