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replaced Tibetan with Esperanto (ESPERANTO MUST BE ADDED NOW)

Verdulo requested to merge Verdulo/fdroid-website:patch-4 into master
  1. Tibetan translation was abandoned 9 months ago (, even the menu bar is untranslated.
  2. The most important components for website are fully translated to Esperanto (
  3. There are more applications in F-Droid-repository, which supports Esperanto than Tibetan (
  4. Although Esperanto is not yet available as system language on Android, Tibetan is also not supported on most of devices. Users can change language using in-application selector or using external tools. It doesn't matter, becouse are not many applications in Tibetan language (see p.3).
  5. This push reguest is about F-Droid website, there is no browser in repository, which supports Tibetan language, but at least Fennec and Firefox Klar supports Esperanto and provide in-application menu to change language.
  6. Argument "we will not remove languages" is also invalid - Tibetan language will not be deleted, but moved to; in similar way old applications are moved to f-droid archive repository.
  7. Esperanto is world language, Tibetan is regional language with limited use.
Edited by Verdulo

Merge request reports