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  • Nico's avatar
    Fix mess with RSS/Atom feeds · 3ed19af9
    Nico authored
    So fdroid/fdroid-website!258 and
    fdroid/fdroid-website!259 even would
    have made things worse, thank you @eighthave for stopping me.
    Before de73acf8 one feed was served at /feed.xml and the other one
    at /feed (note it's a file, not a directory).
    Instead of messing around with Apache to let it serve /feed/index.xml at
    /feed/, I decided to just go with /feed.xml and sleep well.
    So this change does the following:
    * Remove any jekyll_redirects from feed.xml
    * Serve Atom feed at /feed.xml
    * Redirect from /feed to /feed.xml
    * Set /feed.xml in all proper places
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