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render claims in flex rows and columns

Michiya requested to merge multi-rows into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

Resolves #57

Description of Feature

Now ClaimList component renders list of claims within a single flexbox column container, which contains one or more flexbox row containers. Each row contains up to 3 rendered claims. Once the row fills up, additional claims continue onto the next (appended) row.

Motivation and Context

Flexbox allows for better and more concise control over symmetrical positioning and spacing of items.

What's Next?

For starters (MVP), claims are being rendered at 3 per row. As the project evolves, we'll want to refactor this to render claims more dynamically, per row, according to various screen sizes.

Integrating Flexbox will likely reduce the amount of code in the Styled/index.ts file.

Also, once we start using Tachyons we'll want to further refactor our styled components.

Merge request reports