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Bug fix show claims by eth address

Michiya requested to merge bugFix-show-claims-by-eth-address into master

BugFix Merge Request

Related Issue

Resolves #43 (closed)

Description of Bug and Fix

Please see documentation for issue, Displayed claims should be limited to the current selected eth account, as it describes the bug and the fix.

Note: I tried to instantiate web3 object, and get the user's eth adddress, within the app/index.ts file, so that {web3, address} could be passed down to app/components/App.ts as props, when the App component is instantiated, rather than having to deal with them within componentDidMount life cycle method. However, there were problems with this implementation. So in the end, I stuck with the code running within componentDidMount, and also retrieved stored claims ( claimStore = getClaimsFromStore(address) ) within that block as well.

Motivation and Context

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