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Add schemas to bridger types

Jared Pereira requested to merge addSchemas into master

Feature Merge Request

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Motivation and Context

This is a fairly large overhaul of how bridger works. Instead of their being a single verify function that is hard code with a bunch of types we now deal with a class that registers "handlers" which are functions that handle specific claimTypes. These consist of two main things:

  1. A schema defining the properties a claim of this type must include, and the constraints on those properties (i.e regex, patterns, value ranges)
  2. Some code to verify the validity of the claim, calling external services or executing some computation.

Description of Change

This also adds a new claimType, fathom-assessee, for verifying whether someone is an assessee in a fathom assessment. In order to deal with this it refactors how the apps display claimTypes, as well as register claimTypes.

What's Next?

The major next step is properly implementing Error handling so that if validation or verification fails we can know why, and then using that through the web-app and CLI.

We can also integrated the schema validation into the forms, to make sure the inputs are valid.

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