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new assessor calling

dju requested to merge buckets into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

closes #28 (closed)

Description of Feature

Several constraints are posed on assessor-calling:

  • When creating an assessment of size X, the assessment will only TRY to call assessors if there are more than AssessorPoolSizeFactor * X assessors available (in the concept + parents)
  • At most memberCallCeilingFactor * nOfAvailableMembers are called from each concept

AssessorPoolSizeFactor, memberCallCeilingFactor, minAssessmentSize are constants defined in ASsessmentParemters.sol (in ...Data.sol())

As a consequence of merging the new bucket-system with the migration, I had to cap the membership-expiration in the new concept by the lifetime in the old one. Also, I added an overflow prevention in where the date is set. (i accidentally did it while merging all the other stuff, so doing separate commits for it was becoming complicated)

/label ~"feature"

Edited by dju

Merge request reports