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load visit-history & persisted state in a separate step

dju requested to merge saveProgression into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

closes #338 (closed)

Description of Feature

  • adding another stage to the laoding-process
  • adds an object to the store to save
      1. visits
      1. progression as assessee/assessor
      1. whether or not the user has seen the concept-page yet

1 is implemented in this mr 2 is implemented but i decided to wait and rather to smaller mrs 3 is only conceptualized (so if desired, I could also remove the respective property from the store for now.

Motivation and Context

We want to have a clean, maintaianable way to load data.

What's Next?

Implement a DataLoader, that fetches assessments and concepts, based on what concepts/assessment are already in the store/ the last block that was seen by the user.

Edited by dju

Merge request reports