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Ux modal

dju requested to merge uxModal into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

takeOver componnet of #301 (closed)

Description of Feature

A fullscreen takeover can be triggered that

  • takes over everything if the user has no MM
  • takes over everything below the NavTabs, else

it can be triggered dispatching setModal() with a keyWord

The Modal-Component loads the text to be displayed from the helperContent.js file, which contains a bunch of {title,text,followUp}-objects which are used to fill the ModalComponent. <- the keywords used by the modal could not easily be typespriptified because they are used in a bunch of js-files (e.g. async-web3-actions

Motivation and Context

we will introduce more complex Modals, so I'd say we see the helperContnet.js file as a tmeporary solution and spend not too much time on it / on dealing with the content.

Stuff to get right:

  • logic to trigger the display of the Modal
  • have a way in mind by which we can pass arguments to the modal (e.g. when we create an assessment, the modal should have a link to the assessment-detail-page). -> my proposition would be to not set a keyWord in the store but an object like this {topic: 'assessmentCreation', params: {address: 0xbalabal}} that the modal-component can then process as needed.

@jaredpereira any thoughts on how to insert typescript wihtout having to rewrite an async-actions file? My ideas was to wait with this until michiya has advanced on !257 (merged) and then see how to do that elsewhere too

What's Next?

do the same for the notificationBar

Merge request reports