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Ux helper logic + components

dju requested to merge UXLogic into master

fFeature Merge Request

Related Issue

closes #301 (closed)

Description of Feature

updateHelperScreens() is an action that can be dispatched from anywhere. It takes a keyword and some params. those are then processed in a central place and result in modifying two fields in the store:

  1. mainDisplay
  2. helperBarTopic

which are picked up by two components (HelperBar & HelperTakeOver), which render appropriate text.

updateHelperScreens is triggered for all releveant user-actions and when switching from dashboad to detailview.

other places where we might want to trigger it (e.g. clicking on certificates), have been marked with // NOTE (or //TODO)

the notification bar can be closed. it also has a (commented out) button that will come in handy during development which allows us to reset the visit-variable in state, so that we can pretend arriving for the first time.

Motivation and Context

This allows us to easily amend and when and what should be displayed.

Next Tasks

  • once persistState is merged in, we need to save visits in state and save what the user hs done, by dispatching the appropriate actions (those are already in)

  • rewrite the assessment-creation-notificationBar to be a full screen takeover

  • rename helperTakeOver to 'Modal' because that's the correct term

Edited by dju

Merge request reports