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Implement new progressBar into assessmentView & style finalResultBar

Alex Singh requested to merge progressBar into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

closes #295 (closed)

Description of Feature

This updates the styling for the progressBar, Transaction announcements and fixes minor issues in assessmentView such as typographic or grammatical problems or positioning/structure & visual consistency issues.

Motivation and Context

Part of a larger initiative around implementing our wireframe designs into the app to begin testing with users.

Related Tasks

There are some pieces I need help with:

  • In assessmentView, if you're the assessee, under the Assessee title it should say 'YOU', rather than display your address.
  • Hide Transaction element (TxList/TxStatus) until a transaction is registered by the app, then display.
  • It appears as though the transaction element doesn't appear when Committing, only Staking. Need to confirm.
  • When Assessor completes a phase (Stake/Commit/Reveal) need to set the button text to "Staked" / "Committed" / "Revealed"
  • We need an additional state for our progressBar buttons (Stake, Commit, Reveal). Currently we have one for the past (i.e. completed) and future but we need one for the present as well.
  • Change buttonSubmit text from 'Go' to the relative verb of the current action, e.g. if the user needs to stake it should say 'Stake', if the user needs to commit, it should say 'Commit', etc.


  • Change text of action-button in the assessmentCard (dashboard-view) to say "View" if the user is the assessee or has already completed the stage-specific action (closes #299 (closed))
  • display assessor as YOU if the user is assessor


  • style buttonProgressActive/Inactive to have the right colors (same as the progressDots in the card)
  • somehow adjust the ActiveButton, such that it looks different when disabled
  • fix: atm the past-button moves weirdly to the right:
  • style the finalResultBar (see comment below)


Edited by dju

Merge request reports