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Deployment saving

dju requested to merge deploymentSaving into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

resolves #185 (closed)

Description of Feature

deployments can be saved into extra folders in deployment. also has an optional description parameter that can be used to generate a readme.txt in the respective folder


./scripts/ kovan "super cool latest feature and also some relevant tweaks"

./scripts/ kovan

without a name, both scripts work for on 'deployments/rinkeby'


@djudjuu : we need to save the ABI's to, as the deployed contracts might have other functions. Also, there might be contracts on rinkeby, which are not in the build folder (such as the Constants.sol)

the idea is to be able to redeploy the deployed network on your local testnet, for which you need ABI, address, bytecode, deployedBytecode.

the sourcemap is needed for the tests And maybe if you also want to do debugging, you also need the AST.

which makes up almost the entire artifact, so i just went for it that way.

Edited by Antoine Estienne

Merge request reports