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fix: allow passing a WrappedMediaStream to GroupCall.enter() to use as the local user media stream

td requested to merge td/initWithStreamForGroupCall into main


Fixes #

currently in the app we start the group call (but do not enter it), then we use the localStreams provided by it to show the setup page (enable/disable media devices). This causes some issues because the user hasn't joined the group call so the member state events don't update and the group call is killed if they just sit on the setup call page. Also creating a group call, sends notifications in our apps but no one has entered it.

With this MR, apps can get their own user media, then edit that stream on setup page add it to GroupCall.enter(stream). This way, a group call doesn't have to be started and we get to do the setup page as well.


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Edited by td

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