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  • Nik Everett's avatar
    Build: Rework shadow plugin configuration (#32409) · 2c81d7f7
    Nik Everett authored
    This reworks how we configure the `shadow` plugin in the build. The major
    change is that we no longer bundle dependencies in the `compile` configuration,
    instead we bundle dependencies in the new `bundle` configuration. This feels
    more right because it is a little more "opt in" rather than "opt out" and the
    name of the `bundle` configuration is a little more obvious.
    As an neat side effect of this, the `runtimeElements` configuration used when
    one project depends on another now contains exactly the dependencies needed
    to run the project so you no longer need to reference projects that use the
    shadow plugin like this:
    testCompile project(path: ':client:rest-high-level', configuration: 'shadow')
    You can instead use the much more normal:
    testCompile "org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client:${version}"