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Refs #277 - Add rulesets to MV3 test extension

Anton Smirnov requested to merge 277-default_subscriptions_mv3 into master

This is now a refs. It focuses on testing the entire flow. We have new ideas on how to deal with the overall problem that this MR started with. It's worth getting this merged as it provides a foundation for testing and allows us to focus on the new approach afterwards.

There are some elements of this that will definitely change. Notably the configureDefaultSubscriptions related functions and tests.

Add the code for MV3 (the main logic is in default-rulesets). Instead of enabling subscriptions we enabled bundled DNR rulesets (they are disabled in the default). Add the tests - webpack config was modified to produce 'dist/test-mv3-custom' webext that supports MV3 and contains static rulesets (see "test/subscriptions/..").

There are some current test changes (which are consider reasonable due to changed production code).

Refs #277 (closed)

Edited by Rowan Deysel

Merge request reports