Prioritized labels 4
Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
Issues that we should work on last in terms of priority, assuming any other issues are solved
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
Issues that we should work on first above all others, assuming there's nothing with higher priority
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
Describes most issues that we want to do but don't necessarily advance our goals or target all of our users
Other labels 47
ABP Tests To be Automated
eyeo / adblockplus / abc / webext-ad-filtering-solution
eyeo / adblockplus / abc / webext-ad-filtering-solution
Issues relating to documentation
Effort1 - Low
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
Items with this label are an easy fix and might involve just copy changes, small design updates and translations, sometimes not even that
Effort2 - Normal
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
Items with this label suggest that what we're building is complex but pretty straightforward and doesn't take a lot of effort; e.g. New recommended filter lists
Effort3 - Medium
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
We use this label when we have some challenges to solve and the implementation has some complexity; e.g. creating the on-boarding flow, block elements section in the bubble UI, the Bubble UI teaser footer if we had to display certain messages depending on user interactions
Effort4 - High
eyeo / adblockplus / abc
Item takes significant effort and alignment; e.g.: Telemetry, Provide more flexibility with the notification system