Projects with this topic
Mandos is a general purpose differentiable simulator for C++ and Python.
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Код лабораторных работ по курсу "Цифровизация физических процессов" ВШПИ 2 курс.
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Theory and philosophy discussions about topological 4-geon theory.
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OpenMolcas is a quantum chemistry software package.
The key feature of OpenMolcas is the multiconfigurational approach to the electronic structure.
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this repo was made for creating plots and simulating math and physics dynamics via python and code to create articles or enjoy as it is :))
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URANOS - the Ultra Rapid Neutron-Only Simulation is a Monte Carlo toolkit specifically tailored for Environmental Sciences
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Python library for analysing atomic resolution images:
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Lecture note for Electromagnetism 1
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Lecture note for Mathematical Methods for Astronomy 1
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A collection of physics simulations.
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Sisältää selostuspohjan Tampereen yliopiston fysiikan oppilaslaboratorion töiden kirjoittamista varten.
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Utilities for computational catalysis.
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Automated operator construction for effective field theories.
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Neutron Spectrum Unfolding via GRAVEL
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ABACUS calculator for Atomic Simulation Environment. More information please refer to ABACUS online documentation
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Lecture note for Mathematical Methods for Astronomy 2