Projects with this topic
hiphp - free & open source project for create a BackDoor to control PHP-based sites.
🚪 🔑 🙂 Updated -
xplico packaging for Kali Linux
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Sentry, feature-complete and packaged up for low-volume deployments and proofs-of-concept
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Multi-user anti-filtering panel, with an effortless installation and supporting more than 20 protocols to circumvent filtering plus the telegram proxy.
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Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)
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Projet de fin de semestre réalisé dans le cadre du cours de M2 IM Techniques Web du master pluriTAL à l'INALCO. Ce projet consiste en la création d'un site internet exploitant différentes techniques du web (FastAPI, HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery, Ajax) pour la traduction automatique et la détection de langues. Les modèles permettant la détection de la langue ont été entraîné en local sur machine ultérieurement dans un cours du M1 pluriTAL. Pour la traduction automatique, c'est le package python deep-translators qui a été utilisé.
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A project to show how you can create a space state using an ESP32, Micropython and PHP. This project was used as a mobile space state used during the Hacker Hotel conference.
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Repository for - Fork from AnimeOpenings :
Live at
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Genera la estructura entre varios proyectos de los más recurridos en mi trabajo
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A curated list of Docker Compose samples.
These samples provide a starting point for how to integrate and manage different services using a Docker Compose file.
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The project is the solution for the Instafreight backend technical interview challenge.
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reads carbon monoxide sensors via ESP32 and processes data with Raspberry Pi
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Compare the syntax of the following programming languages: There are exercises in Python, Go, Bash, C, C++, PHP and JavaScript
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WebApp Security exercises: Protect login feature from SQL injection vulnerabilities using PHP Data Objects (PDO)
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