Projects with this topic
http://chessforeva.gitlab.io - is a website for chess JS, blog at http://chessforeva.blogspot.com
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Small framework for easy generates web-applications (SPA or Single Page Application).
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Eptix (dark) - a simplistic, dark, responsive and minimal blog-theme for Hexo powering blog.rtrace.io
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Source code for the website of qstudio64 hosted on qstudio64.io and on qstudio64.rtrace.io
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Projeto exemplificando o uso da nossa biblioteca de Web Components em projetos Javascript.
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index/main GitLab Pages web site at GitLab of Tiny Weather Forecast Germany open source android weather app by Pawel Dube
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You can view the project live on: https://odin.patriciosimoes.com
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A small project to get a nice Filetree of a Folder you define You can also ajust that file-tree to only output specific file types and more.
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Minimal, simple and fast homepage, start page or new tab page. Time display, personal greeting, search bar (DuckDuckGo), custom sites/links list and dark/light modes. https://calvinchd.gitlab.io/no-page-like-homepage
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Simple extension para conectarse a la red de tor #Brave #Chorme browser, esta en desarrollo aun!
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Landing page referente a los servicios y proyectos realizados. Está estructurado de forma general, sencilla y agradable. Con secciones Servicios, Proyectos, Contacto.
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Dynamic app landing page for infancy IT's iOS apps. Contains admin panel to manage team and apps appearances.
Made with Vue.js & Firebase's Auth + RealtimeDB and a lot of vanilla JS code.
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Проект был домашней работой когда то давно, делался на первых парах интереса к веб программированию