The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
Projects with this topic
Lua HTML5 parser and DOM API.
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A minimalist Internet better than gemini: program your own web browser, parser and interpreter! Subset of HTML, HTTP, CSS and JavaScript. Work in progress:
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The tool packs abc music notation file(s) into a html page for notes reading and listening. Informations are provided for listing titles, files and paths. Filtering of ABC files is possible.
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brute-ttt is a program that generates a general tree of all possible (valid) tic tac toe games.
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Translate using Azure endpoint which automatically detects the language and translates it into your desired language. Unfortunately this service is only for people in the AD group ;)
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[2019-2020 Q1] Site Web Interactif
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_Reinventando o futuro por meio da tecnologia.
Aprenda a programar do zero e gratuitamente em apenas 5 horas, construa um projeto próprio!
Uma parceria: Kenzie Academy Brasil, Bemol e Bemol Digital.
Preview do projeto:
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✩ PROJET ACADEMIQUE (en binôme) - 2ème année de cycle ingénieur - Systèmes embarqués
✍ Auteurs: SECK Malick & Hamza FAHIM☛ Objectif: concevoir une station de capteurs connectés à un réseau TCP/IP et un serveur Web
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Arduino + HTML website Open source demo application to show how it works
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Recommendation System — Market Basket Analysis using Apriori Approach [Association Rule Mining] for a static number of products. Technologies used: Python to build the ML model Flask to deploy the ML model HTML + CSS + Bootstrap
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My solutions to the problem sets of CS50
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HTML, CSS, and CGI scripting in a single, simple syntax