Projects with this topic
High performance software asset mirroring system.
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🔐 Secure, fast & convenient password manager CLI using GPG and git to sync.Updated -
YADR - The best vim, git, zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen (GNU/Linux fork)
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Easily manage multiple FLOSS repositories.
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Site web de l'association de tir sportif Izelloise, il permet de faciliter la communication entre les membres de l'association et les adhérents via l'envoi de mail. Développé avec le framework Symfony , une base de donnée Postgres et un front en Twig.
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Shell scripts and configuration
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PyFilesystems for GitLab, GitHub, and Git -
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Easily manage multiple FLOSS repositories
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Easily manage multiple FLOSS repositories
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Examples of exercises completed for a course organized by Buutti Education.
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git command and hook that deletes local branches when a matching PR is merged
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Easily manage multiple floss repositories
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POGSearch - Platform for Omni Git Search. An open-source solution for searching through Git repositories across entire Git server instances without the need to switch branches or repositories.
Mirrors list:
Parent project: OwnLab
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Utility to mass-backup GitLab repositories.
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Dockerized Gource Visualization Generator
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