Projects with this topic
Insert an About button for each add-on into the Add-ons list.
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View Source Switch is a Firefox add-on that allows one click switching between "view source" and regular web page.
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Gagnez en productivité, épargnez la planète. Avec Bookmarker, personnalisez et regroupez instantanément vos bookies par dossier, ciblez rapidement vos adresses préférées ou partez à l'assaut du web grâce aux moteurs de recherche.
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Proposal and extension to improve attribution of content on the Internet. E.g. "[a:aquarichy][][d:2023-04-02]"
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A non-intrusive QR code paste & decode Firefox add-on
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The browser extension that censors inappropriate content intelligently.
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Configurable browser extension to hide spoilers in Disney+ including titles, descriptions, show cover art and episode thumbnails.
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The project is not for nor against Mozilla and this is by no means meant to smear Mozilla or their products - or their Dev Team - it is an overview.
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A browser extension and an extension of to get the latest price and rate for Burn($ASH), a currency created by Pak.
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Obsolete attempt to make firefox browser plugin to remove ads and useles stuff from eshop. Will not work probably now.