Projects with this topic
Home of DORY (Deployable Orbital Radio assemblY)
Icon photo by Blondinrikard Fröberg (CC BY 2.0 DEED, https://shorturl.at/eHINR)
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Flexible and easy to use non-linear transient electric circuit simulator.
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Compaex (COMPuter Aided EXperiments) is a small set of tools to help connecting my electronics test and measurement instruments to my computer. Although it may support a limited number of instruments, with probably a limited number of features, this project is free and shared as it might be useful to some people.
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A Geek's Lab Book
This is for tracking general issues/todos/snippets/wiki whatever, that is not connected to a specific Project.
It's the gathering place for all my geek things into a meta-project.
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Code related to the elimination of crosstalk in 2D resistive sensor arrays
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FreeCAD Workbench for draft electrical schemes, fully written in Python language.
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This project aims to teach about nutrition to school children using interactive tangible objects.
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A tool to create electronic filters ready to be used in LTspice and Kicad.