Projects with this topic
Proyecto en CloudFormation de pipeline CI/CD completo y funcional con despliegues automatizados en servicios de AWS.
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Simple WEB gui for infrastructure management by ansible playbooks or modules.
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This repository contains the Implementation of dynamic security scanning using OWASP ZAP in continuous integration and deployment of web applications. The implementation was realised for an engineering thesis defended in 2024.
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Fork of Rubrix for natural language processing machine learning dataset labeling and RLHF (reinforcement learning human feedback) and active learning. Original license was Apache 2.0 which allows to modify the software without sharing it with the community.
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Craftech devops challenge by Nicolas Zapata
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Source for
This repo/project is for the public-facing marketing website of GitLab, including improvements to the docs and the handbook.
Please file product improvement suggestions at
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Create a Component Library with Storybook and Export it to React!
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Quickly create new JSX and TSX Components!