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Draft: Add a table widget to use in resources list pages

Jaladh Singhal requested to merge jaladh-singhal/exosphere:table-widget into master

Introduces a new widget that aims to solve #101, #306 (closed), #451 (closed), #497 (closed). It's based on this design file.

How to Test

(Please describe how to exercise these changes in the application)


(If visual changes are introduced, show what they look like)

QA Checklist

  • Any changes to 'widgets' in src/Style/Widgets/? If so:
    • Update src/Style/StyleGuide.elm showing example usage of that widget
  • Were any app flags created, modified, or removed? If so:
    • Update config.js and all files in environment-configs/, including docker-config.js
    • Update "Runtime configuration options" documentation in

Post-Merge Checklist

  • Create follow-up issues for anything left over for another merge request
    • If any technical debt is introduced, assign these follow-up issues to the MR submitter

Merge request reports