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Integrate bulk actions as _faux_ table head element


There is not an issue for this work. I came up with this as possible way of improving the vertical flow of the layout.

Aside - if there were more than "DELETE" as bulk actions, what I was considering is having a "select" (dropdown) with the "Bulk Actions" in it, and then available "bulk actions", like "DELETE" selectable within the options. When selected, you'd get a confirmation prior to carrying out the bulk action (there is an example within the YouTube Studio interface that I can show with screenshots if the text description is not conjuring an idea of it).

How to Test

  1. have provider
  2. go to default ServerList view
  3. observer new table head element
  4. check "select all"
  5. consider clicking to "DELETE" (but know there isn't a confirmation pop-up)



It may look like the faux horizontal rule and checkboxes are off by a pixel or 2 ... I used my alignment/rule tool to confirm that they seem to be in proper alignment:


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