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Server Actions

Chris Martin requested to merge cmart/exosphere:instance-actions into master

Fixes #178 (closed).



  • Only allowing user to perform actions which are valid for current OpenStack status of a given server
  • Explicitly not showing some of the "put my server away" actions which I suspect may be unnecessary for most users, and less efficient with cloud resources -- specifically, pause and stop.
    • In the future we could show these behind an "advanced" accordion.
  • Still showing all possible "restore my server" actions, e.g. if server was paused/stopped outside Exosphere, you can still unpause/start it here.
  • This MR does not introduce bulk instance actions but that is now fairly straightforward to implement.
  • I also did not implement resize (and confirm/revert resize) though this is still desired (#130 (closed)).


  • UI shows "starting" after you click the "Stop" button
  • Shelve
  • Decide which "put my stuff away" actions we want to actually show. Users would get confused by stop, pause, suspend, shelve, etc.
  • Show some transition after button is clicked to indicate that server is transitioning to desired state
Edited by Chris Martin

Merge request reports