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Problem: Error messages look bad

This MR addresses some of this user feedback:

  • "This looks really scary to me? Is this a log?"
  • "Maybe put it in message box, or in a console log?"


Solution: Added pablen/toasty package and use it to show errors. It's easy to dismiss the toasts, and there won't be duplicates (because we use Toasty.addToastIfUnique).

Also added a dedicated 'Message Log' menu item and view. This is where the user can see all the old messages, even the dismissed ones.

This is what it looks like now:



Fixes #123 (closed) ('Better error message display / reintroduce something like toast')

Coincidentally also fixes #147 (closed) ('Image tiles not tiling horizontally')

Edited by Julian Pistorius

Merge request reports