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Limit items to a single dye card

gumi requested to merge gumiko/serverdata:dyes into master

Makes use of evol-hercules!27 (merged) to limit items to a single dye card. This allows to safely use both dyes and other cards (gems, runestones, ...)


Example item with 4 slots, including a silk dye:

	Id: 1001
	AegisName: "HolySilkArmor"
	Name: "Holy Silk Armor"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Slots: 4
	AllowCards: {
		id5500: 1 // BasicSilkDyes
		id5028: 1 // CrudeDiamond
		id5029: 1 // CrudeRuby
		id5030: 1 // CrudeEmerald
		id5031: 1 // CrudeSapphire
		id5032: 1 // CrudeTopaz
		id5033: 1 // CrudeAmethyst

This item could have 1 dye and 3 gems, or 4 gems and no dye

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