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add functions to get Legacy and Vault account data

gumi requested to merge gumiko/serverdata:legacydata into master

functions to access Legacy account data

  • islegacyaccount({<char name or account id>}) => bool
  • getlegacyporttime({<char name or account id>}) => int: timestamp
  • getlegacytuttime({<char name or account id>}) => int: timestamp
  • getlegacylevel({<char name or account id>}) => int: level
  • getlegacybosspoints({<char name or account id>}) => int: boss points

functions to access Legacy items:

  • getlegacyinventory(<integer array: item>, <integer array: qty>{, <char name or account id>}) => int: size
  • getlegacystorage(<integer array: item>, <integer array: qty>{, <char name or account id>}) => int: size

Legacy debug functions:

  • setfakelegacyaccount() => bool: success

constant to check whether the server is using Vault:


functions to access vault account data

  • getvaultid({<char name or account id>}) => int: vault id

functions to access vault-bound variables

  • getvaultvar(<variable>{, <char name or account id>}) => reference: vault variable
  • setvaultvar(<variable>, <value>{, <char name or account id>}) => reference: vault variable
// setting an integer variable:
setvaultvar(FOOBAR, 69);

// setting a string variable:
setvaultvar(FOOBAR$, "baz");
Edited by gumi

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