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Omatt's legion training room quest

toams requested to merge toams/serverdata:omatt/serverdata-Training_room into master

I opened this issue to discus the legion training quest. I rebased @omatt's training room MR and tested it. It looks like the script is mostly working so I think we can base our further work on it. However there are some other issues that i want to discuss here:

  • Omatt added a dialog providing general information about monsters and fighting etc. Probably because it is a training quest and it is useful to have them providing information to players. It seems to be copy paste from the Ian NPC from legacy. However I'm not sure if we should keep this or not? Some parts probably also need a rewrite to fit the new game.
  • Currently there are 3 training rounds each training one skill (sword, bow and SM_BASH(brawling??)). However it is not explained how to use the skills, and the script doesnt check if the skills are used during battle. It only checks if the right weapons are equipped.
  • Aren't the rewards to big compared to the difficulty of the training rounds? "here kill some dummies! congrats you have won a skill!"
  • Before the start of round one and two the player receives a WoodenSword and a WoodenBow. Can the player keep those after finishing this quest or not? I would prefer a harder quest for getting these items. Maybe even add them as a prerequisite to this quest?
  • When starting a training round the player is restricted to the playing ground by collision tiles. In the original script these tiles were visible walls. This was probably changed because walls appearing out of thin air doesnt make sense. But invisible collision tiles dont make sense either. I would prefer the quest to fail if the player leaves the training ground, or add a fence which closes after starting the training. please discuss
  • I would prefer a dummy with a ranged attack for the bow training round. It should be possible to give the dummy the firewall skill, this would give the dummy a circle of fire surrounding him.

Please discuss

close evol-all#24 (closed) (Jesusalva: Sorry for editing, these notes are magic to close the two issues when merged. It's a good way to save time on the post-merge stage. No other changes were done.)

Edited by toams

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