#everyonecancontribute Kaeffchen | #12 - 2020-08-05
16:00 CEST / 7am PT
- Servus @KevinHonka @peter.rossbach :-)
- KubeCon EU Aug 17-20
- KubeCon Kaeffchen on Wednesday Aug 19?
- How to become a GitLab hero?
everyonecancontribute.com Updates
- Google Analytics
- Documentation for blog images
- Add idea pitch issue template and topic::idea label
- Fixes
Interesting articles, best practices, etc. for everyone to read and learn async:
- An inside look at the Rust programming language
- Understand Kubernetes terminology from namespaces to pods
- Boosting your kubectl productivity
- Not putting logs into Elasticsearch but from it by Philipp Krenn
- Monitoring demystified: A guide for logging, tracing, metrics
- How to use Prometheus for anomaly detection in GitLab
- GitLab Workflow for VS Code now with more Official
- The road to Gitaly v1.0 (aka, why GitLab doesn't require NFS for storing Git data anymore)
- DM on GitLab Slack: I need your DNS skills!
- 10 most common mistakes using kubernetes
- Deploying GitLab to Anthos GKE on-prem to configure and run a CI/CD pipeline
- Move the Three Pillars of Observability (+Alerting) to Core
- Learning Git Twitter thread by Emma Bostian
The main theme for this week is: Debugging the log processing ;)
Debug Stories
@solidnerd: Debugging the apache log to Vector to loki to Grafana in k8s
- Follow-up from #22 (closed)
- Docs PR for Vector: https://github.com/timberio/vector/pull/3335/files
- Permission problem for Vector daemon which cannot access the log files
- usermod -aG vector -> syslog
- Idea: Tracing for Loki enablen
Lua in Vector
- eBPF -> Cilium: https://cilium.io/
Web Assembly - https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI https://artem.krylysov.com/blog/2020/07/28/lets-build-a-full-text-search-engine/
MFA / 2FA Reset - Security discussion
- 1.5 factor auth with 1Password https://twitter.com/dnsmichi/status/1241481541227855876
- In Kubernetes
- Caddy v2 mit ACME: https://caddyserver.com/v2
@m4r10k / @rauschbit: Debug stories with CoreDNS (better after @m4r10k's vacation)
@solidnerd: Getting Ideas How to Troubleshoot a Problem.
- SRE Books
- Building_Secure_and_Reliable_Systems - Chapter 15: Investigating Systems
@rauschbit: gitlab - validate token permissions
...if I wanted to see what permissions a given API access token had, how would I do that, other than trying to actually write a resource?...
@solidnerd: gitlab to pull remote terraform modules deploy tokens
@konstantinpae: I've stumbled across an interesting "problem" last week, which is not directly C++ related but a more general DevSecOps issue.
- Discussion: Malicious Pipelines (example). How would you mitigate an "attack" from within based on the example.
- @dnsmichi: Migrate data from InfluxDB to Prometheus - use cases and tools?
- @dnsmichi: Use a CI job runner for monitoring? ;)
- Enablement Group Conversation on Operators&Orchestrators, Terraform, Ansible, etc.