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  • Clone with SSH
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  • Md. Alim Ul Karim's avatar
    Md. Alim Ul Karim authored
    ChmodHelper Integrated Tests for Unix, Refactor Interfaces
    ## Introduction
    ChmodHelper Integrated Tests for Unix, Refactor Interfaces
    Note: [Template Reference](
    ## Worked on Items
    - [x] #45 - Write Tests for PathChmods
    - [x] #47 - Refactor interfaces
    - [x] #48 - add integrated test for chmodhelper
    ## TODOs
    - [ ] #46 - Use the temp dir for testing
    ## References
    - N/A
    ## Notes
    - N/A
    See merge request !45

    Core Intro

    Use Package logo

    All common core infrastructure and constants combined package.

    Git Clone

    git clone

    2FA enabled, for linux

    git clone https://[YourGitLabUserName]:[YourGitlabAcessTokenGenerateFromGitlabsTokens]


    • Update git to latest 2.29
    • Update or install the latest of Go 1.15.2
    • Either add your ssh key to your gitlab account
    • Or, use your access token to clone it.


    go get

    Go get issue for private package

    • Update git to 2.29
    • Enable go modules. (Windows : go env -w GO111MODULE=on, Unix : export GO111MODULE=on)
    • Add to go env private

    To set for Windows:

    go env -w GOPRIVATE=[AddExistingOnes;]

    To set for Unix:

    expoort GOPRIVATE=[AddExistingOnes;]

    Why core?

    It makes our other go-packages DRY and concise.

    Examples Videos


    // substituting functions as ternary operator
    fmt.Println(conditional.Int(true, 2, 7)) // 2
    fmt.Println(conditional.Int(false, 2, 7)) // 7
    // making collection from array of strings
    stringValues := []string{"hello", "world", "something"}
    collectionPtr1 := corestr.NewCollectionPtrUsingStrings(&stringValues, constants.Zero)
    /* outputs:
       - hello
       - world
       - something
    // different methods of collection
    fmt.Println(collectionPtr1.Length()) // 3
    fmt.Println(collectionPtr1.IsEmpty()) // false
    // adding more element including empty string
    collectionPtr2 := collectionPtr1.AddsLock("else")
    fmt.Println(collectionPtr2.Length()) // 4
    // checking equality
    fmt.Println(collectionPtr1.IsEqualsPtr(collectionPtr2)) // true
    // creating CharCollectionMap using collection
    sampleMap := collectionPtr1.CharCollectionPtrMap()
    // methods on CharCollectionMap
    fmt.Println(sampleMap.Length()) // 4
    fmt.Println(sampleMap.AllLengthsSum()) // 4
    fmt.Println(sampleMap.Clear()) // prints: # Summary of `*corestr.CharCollectionMap`, Length ("0") - Sequence `1`
    otherMap := sampleMap.Add("another")
    /* prints:
       # Summary of `*corestr.CharCollectionMap`, Length ("1") - Sequence `1`
             1 . `a` has `1` items.
       ## Items of `a`
             - another
    // declaring an empty hashset of length 2 and calling methods on it
    newHashSet := corestr.NewHashset(2)
    fmt.Println(newHashSet.Length()) // 2
    fmt.Println(newHashSet.IsEmpty()) // true
    fmt.Println(newHashSet.Items()) // &map[]
    // adding items to hashset
    strPtr := "new"
    fmt.Println(newHashSet.Items()) // &map[new:true]
    // adding map to hashset
    newHashSet.AddItemsMap(&map[string]bool{"hi": true, "no": false})
    fmt.Println(newHashSet.Items()) // &map[hi:true new:true]
    // math operations: getting the larger/smaller value from two given values
    fmt.Println(coremath.MaxByte('e', 'i')) // 105 which represents 'i' in ASCII
    fmt.Println(coremath.MinByte(23, 5))    // 5
    // initializing issetter value
    isSetterValue := issetter.False // initializing as false
    fmt.Println(isSetterValue.HasInitialized()) // true
    fmt.Println(isSetterValue.Value()) // 2
    fmt.Println(isSetterValue.IsPositive()) // false
    // sorting strings
    fruits := []string{"banana", "mango", "apple"}
    fmt.Println(strsort.Quick(&fruits)) // &[apple banana mango]
    fmt.Println(strsort.QuickDsc(&fruits)) // &[mango banana apple]
    // converting pointer strings to strings
    mile := "mile"
    km := "km"
    measures := []*string{&mile, &km}
    fmt.Println(converters.PointerStringsToStrings(&measures)) // &[mile km]
    fmt.Printf("Type %T", converters.PointerStringsToStrings(&measures)) // Type *[]string
    // comparing two int arays
    Values := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
    OtherValues := []int{5, 6, 7, 8}
    fmt.Println(corecompare.IntArray(Values, OtherValues)) // false


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    Evatix MIT License