- Apr 01, 2021
Md. Alim Ul Karim authored
Added new constants, improved converters, Fixed newline build on unix systems, improved bool test compare, added new compare case for NotEqual Closes #25, #26, #27, #28 ## Introduction Added new constants, improved converters, Fixed newline build on unix systems, improved bool test compare, added new compare case for NotEqual, refactored filemodes to osfilemode Note: [Template Reference](https://hackmd.io/@akarimevatix/H1Qsmq23w) ## Worked on Items - [x] #25 - Fixed newline issue for unix systems - [x] #26 - Improved bool tests print - [x] #27 - Add compare case for NotEqual - [x] #28 - refactored filemodes to osfilemode ## TODOs - NA ## References - N/A ## Notes - N/A See merge request !41
- Jan 06, 2021
Md. Alim Ul Karim authored
Merge branch 'feature/10-add-math-core-functions-such-as-min-max-from-strhelper' into 'draft/develop' Resolve "add math core functions such as min, max from strhelper" Closes #10 , #8, #9 ## Introduction Build fixed, math functions added, default enum types added for str, int, byte. Note: [Template Reference](https://hackmd.io/@akarimevatix/H1Qsmq23w) ## Worked on Items - [x] #8 - Tests core added from strhelper - [x] #9 - Fixed build issues, there was an issue with byte overflow in Uppercase portion, [changed the type to int16 as byte cannot hold `-` ](https://play.golang.org/p/mFp_qfmKOta) - [x] #10 - Fixed build issues, there ## TODOs - N/A ## References - https://play.golang.org/p/mFp_qfmKOta ## Error Messaging Examples ```go n := bytetype.Variant(5) n.IsTrue(5, 10) ```  ## Notes - N/A ## Merge Request Ordering - N/A See merge request !6