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Ros can integration

Ignat Georgiev requested to merge ros_can_integration into master

Fully simulated the ros_can inside our simulation stack.

This was done by a "new" package called ros_can_sim which is a rebranded version of the old robot_control node but completely redone.

The new ros_can_sim features:

  • internal state machine just like the ros_can node
  • mission selection through a GUI
  • GUI to control the whole internal state of ros_can with a mandatory JUST DRIVE button which forces the car to just enter the drive state.
  • publishing of wheel speeds through the Gazebo joint state

This branch was fully tested with the inspection node as seen here.

Additionally, it was tested by @pmacg, however, the "Reset" and "Req. EBS" buttons were not working. However, I couldn't reproduce that issue.

Merge request reports