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Updated deprecated functions / make irkerd work as a library

jkbzh requested to merge jkbzh/irker:master into master


I made some small changes in irkerd so that it can be used as a library to create other irc clients.

My goal was to make a replacement script for irccat that handles SSL. I achieved that and wanted to contribute the changes I did to irkerd, if you'd be interested in them

I also did some updates to take into account deprecated libraries or functions in python3. I took care to commit each change independently to ease your reviewing. In one case I fixed an error: connections were not being closed when aborting irkerd by means of a control-C.

With these changes, irkerd still works as designed, a standalone daemon. But now, you can also import it and use it as part of your app. The next I had planned to do was to divide the irker script into two files, a libirker, and the irker app itself, which would include the library. Before attempting this I wanted to talk on #irker to gather feedback about this idea... however I don't see any community on #irker anymore so I just left it as is.

You can find the irccat client I wrote here (file is called irccat). This was a clone of the irker repo I put on my github while developing irccat. If you merge the changes, I'll remove my repository and just make it one for the single irccat script.

Thanks for all in advance.

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