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New release0.8

Matej Arko requested to merge new_release0.8 into master

The brand new version 0.8 introduces simplified use in Jupyter notebooks and changes in configuration files, basic models for amplifier crosstalk and inter-pixel capacitance, new examples, reduced size of the repository and more. See all changes in the CHANGELOG.rst at

Merge request check list

This is just a reminder about the most common mistakes. Please make sure that you tick all appropriate boxes. But please read our contribution guide at least once, it will save you unnecessary review cycles !

If an item doesn't apply to your merge request, check it anyway to make it apparent that there's nothing to do.

  • Added tests for change code
  • Updated documentation for changed code
  • Documentation .rst files is written using semantic newlines
  • User visible changes (including notable bug fixes and possible deprecations) are documented in CHANGELOG.rst
  • Passes in this order
    • isort .
    • black .
    • blackdoc .
    • mypy .
    • flake8 .

If you have any questions of the points above, just submit and ask! This checklist is here to help you, not to deter you from contributing !

Edited by Matej Arko

Merge request reports