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WIP: solve #2

When there are no graphical frames on a monitor we can't determine explicitly what's the monitor name. That means we can't tell Emacs to create a frame on this exact monitor. Before this commit, we tried to create frames in a terminal of a selected frame which led to errors when the terminal was text-only.

No we just create some graphical frame (with an utility of '(getenv "DISPLAY")') and determine a monitor name after the fact.

  1. It needs more testing on a multi-monitor setup because I don't have one.

  2. Also, I decided not to switch naming to uuids since too many things depend on a monitor name and it's a logically separate task.

  3. Another question of whether or not we want to explicitly create equake frames not fullscreen. Furthermore, I experienced some really weird shifts in frame position (both with master version and this one). Print debugging shows that frame creation is done with correct parameters but the resulting frame is really not fitting those (half a screen, or not centered). Perhaps, it's caused by interaction with kwin

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