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Nina Svec requested to merge Retired_HL7-Codesystems into main

Retired HL7 codesystems | HL7 Act Code | | HL7 Act Site | | HL7 ActStatus | | HL7 Address Use | | HL7 Administrative Gender | | HL7 Administrative Sex | | HL7 Confidentiality Code | | HL7 Consent Mode | | HL7 Consent Status | | HL7 Consent Type | | HL7 Entity Name Part Qualifier | | HL7 Entity Name Use | | HL7 LanguageAbilityMode | | HL7 Marital Status | | HL7 Null Flavor | | HL7 Observation Interpretation | | HL7 Participation Function | | HL7 Participation Type | | HL7 ProficiencyLevelCode | | HL7 Role Class | | HL7 Role Code | | HL7 Signatory's Relationship to Subject | | HL7 Specimen Type | | HL7 Timing Event | | HL7 URLScheme |

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