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HostGrady/simplify-dm-scripts: Add dm-template: a script for allowing users to easily build templates for their scripts

HostGrady requested to merge HostGrady/simplify-dm-scripts into master

I feel like dmscripts has become too complex, this merge is the first of hopefully many in the process to simplify the maintainability and usability of dmscripts going forward. More about this in the corresponding issue.

This merge is creating a new script called dm-template which solves an issue of mine which is that I don't like copying the boilerplate. It was tested with dmenu.

2 templates are provided:

  • simple: a simple template to allow easy integration into ones personal dmscripts fork
  • contrib: the standard template contributors are expected to use

In addition, this merge also fixes a few smaller issues such as the automatic man page being out of date, removing the clutter left behind from dm-currencies and dm-translate and I have fixed the pipeline.

Once again I hope you will checkout the issue relating to this (currently under construction) which highlights the full extent of the issue.

Merge request reports