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Draft:Dm spellcheck

Soliprem requested to merge Soliprem/dmscripts:dm-spellcheck into master

This is a simple spellchecker script which makes use of "didyoumean" (a simple rust package) to show the correct spelling. If the word was spelt correctly, it will be the first (and default) option. The selected word will be sent to the keyboard through xclip. I use it daily and have found it very useful. The script is very simple, but I lack the knowledge to add wayland support to it (on my machine I simply use two separate scripts, but I assume there has to be a better way, so I'm only sending the x11 version, which is likely to be more useful to most people). It has been tested on both rofi and dmenu, but has been mostly used through rofi on my machine (arch linux)

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