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  • Kenneth Loafman's avatar
    chg:pkg: Upgrade setup process and instructions (2nd try) · 867fab71
    Kenneth Loafman authored
    Finally fix #797
    * enhance to match current PyPA install process
    * improve and expand pyproject.toml
      * build requires section
      * build excludes section
    * improve and shrink
      * remove SdistCommand
      * suppress nonsense warnings
    * pyproject.toml now does most of the heavy lifting
    * requires updates to pip, pipx, and setuptools
      * the newer pip builds a virtual environment
      * it installs the build requirements in that venv
      * the build is then done in that venv
    * fixes to tools/install\* scripts to build/test VM environment
    * replaces argparse with duplicity/argparse311 globally