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YOLO Integration with Pipeline

JP Ramassini requested to merge local-yolo-integration into master

This contains all of the work to integrate the YOLO detector into the pipeline.

Testing notes:

  • git checkout local-yolo-integration
  • Clear out any existing stuff you have with make clean-full. (only necessary if you have existing dependencies etc. installed)
  • make to install everything.
  • make example-yolo to run the pipeline with YOLO on ACL 5 set.
  • make example to run the pipeline with ScanSSD on ACL 5 set.

Assuming both of these run fully, this should be good to go.

These each go to the same html output location, so I'd recommend saving the html output of each/either to a separate directory in between runs or results will be overwritten.

Additionally, critiques on the README or how additional makefile options should be expanded are welcome.

Note: There are also yolo versions of all examples in the Makefile, so feel free to test those too. The make k15 example seems to not work for either detector, so that one isn't a good representative of this PR as it seems to have been broken prior.

Edited by R

Merge request reports