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Resolve "Use public qdgga"

Ayush Kumar Shah requested to merge 51-use-public-qdgga into master

Closes #51 (closed)

Testing notes:

  • git checkout 51-use-public-qdgga
  • From the root directory, run ./bin/tests/test-51-use-public-qdgga

The test script proceeds as follows:

  • first switches to master branch and installs all the repos (including current private qdgga) and conda envs
  • Runs the pipeline on the 5 ACL examples and moves the outputs to a different folder
  • Deletes the qdgga repo
  • Switches to the issue branch (51)
  • Installs new public qdgga repo using the make command
  • Re-runs the pipeline on the 5 ACL examples
  • Compares the outputs from the two runs.

The differences should be only in the path names i.e. qdgga vs qdgga_paser for the MR to pass.

Edited by Ayush Kumar Shah

Merge request reports