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Incorporate Parser Acceleration

Ayush Kumar Shah requested to merge 23-parser-acceleration into master

Testing notes:

  • Run make example first in the master branch and then make clean-out on the 23-parser-acceleration branch. Run make example again on the 23-parser-acceleration branch. Verify that results are the same.
  • When running make example above each time, run watch -n 1 nvidia-smi on another terminal session to view the GPU utilization of the system. Verify that only 1 GPU is used in the master branch and with a very lower propotion of the available GPU space while all the available GPUs are used in the current branch with better utilization of the available GPU space.
  • Confirm that execution speed is faster in the current branch. (In the northbay system with 2 GPUs, the total parse time reduced from 386.19 seconds to 66.62 seconds and the total pipeline time from 459.89 seconds to 140.26 seconds.

Closes #23 (closed)

Edited by Ayush Kumar Shah

Merge request reports